MSC wins the ACA’s 2016 Community Honor Award

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This award is given for outstanding contributions to organized camping or to ACA New England. It should be presented to individuals, groups or organizations that may or may not be members of ACA in order to recognize their support of quality camp experiences.

Due to the tireless effort by Maine Summer Camps to align itself with partners such as ACA and ACA New England, Executive Director Ron Hall, Counsel Jack Erler and the supporting cast continued to educate and guide camps through the confusion of the elevated level of interest in camps regarding enforcement of Federal transportation law. Today the success story is complete. The interpretations pushed onto Maine camps last year are gone, and all camps across the country are now exempt. Maine Summer Camps played an integral role and camps in New England and across the US have benefitted.

Congratulations to Maine Summer Camps for standing up for member camps in Maine and in effect for all camps across the country.

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