
Category: Programming

NaviTour offers summer camps a fantastic opportunity to enrich their programming with expert-led outdoor experiences. Our platform connects camps with a diverse array of guides specializing in various outdoor activities, from hiking and birdwatching to kayaking and wilderness survival skills. Whether it’s enhancing pre-camp orientations, organizing special activities for campers and families, or hosting end-of-summer celebrations, NaviTour’s guides can provide engaging and educational experiences that complement camp activities and foster a deeper connection with nature. With customizable options and seamless booking, NaviTour makes it easy for camps to offer unique and memorable adventures that leave a lasting impact on campers. As a company that deliberately, intentionally, and strategically includes, we are happy to offer BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Adaptive, and all-ages guides.

Contact: Shay Bellas


104 Hall St.
South Portland, ME 04106

Contact Info

Phone: 207.200.5149

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