About Us

Who we are:

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with more than 140 member camps and adventure programs.

Our mission:

Maine Summer Camp’s mission is to support and promote meaningful developmental, educational, environmental, and recreational experiences for children.

What we do:

Using our online presence, publications, trainings, and conferences, we enhance the public’s understanding of the value of Maine camps. We also assist camp and business members by offering a broad range of information, including directories, resources, legislative and regulatory news, and social media resources.

Our background:

Maine Summer Camps is the public face of the Maine Youth Camping Foundation, which exists to promote social welfare through support or opposition to legislation and regulation affecting youth camping. MYCF, founded in the 1930s, has been a pioneer in the field of youth camping, and created the first state camp licensing law in the country. The American Camping Association (ACA) still uses many of those original standards in its accreditation of youth camps nationally.  The Junior Maine Guide (JMG) Program is also a product of MYCF. Established in the 1937, the JMG program is designed to furnish boys and girls with formal certification based on outdoor living skills in Maine. Maine’s Junior Guide program is now one of the largest in the country.

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